May 5th – Return of the Emperor to Addis Ababa after the Italians were defeated
There was a party at the Palace, Dan and Chris were invited dressed in Dad’s case in morning suit, black trousers, top hat and medals. Chris was dressed in her best dress with a matching jacket and hat, very posh. I remember the Palace servants feeling sorry for Stephen and me and bringing us a glass of champagne each and nibbles to eat.
We would see magnificent horses with decorated saddles going passed our house on their way to escort the Emperor to the official parade. I seem to remember them as very large horses, probably imported as the local horses were quite small and brown in Colour. They may have come from Australia.
25 years after the liberation, the emperor invited all the officers and NCO’s to a magnificent party at the palace. He paid their air fairs out and paid for them to stay in hotels in Addis Ababa. They had marvellous time and were quite overwhelmed by their welcome. We also held a party at Mulu for them all, which was such fun. We had a big lunch party on the lawn in front of the house and everyone enjoyed themselves very much.
It was wonderful to have been involved in such a historic moment.