The Teleferique

The teleferique was an overhead mode of transporting limestone up the Muger escarpment from the valley below. The limestone was dug up in the valley below near the Muger River up to Dereba. The limestone was then taken into Addis Ababa in lorries and was used to make cement. This meant that the road into Addis Ababa via Chancho was very important and was maintained by the Ethiopian Government so we had an all weather road into Addis Ababa, this made a huge difference to us as it meant we could travel on it everyday of the year, the only disadvantage was the clouds of white dust that came off the road every time a vehicle passed. It also helped the local people when they needed to go to Addis Ababa or any of the three weekly markets on the way. The road also went passed the nearest government offices at Chancho where there was also a large Friday market. 

Before this road was put through we had a track over grassland but that got muddy in the rains so the only way to get to the farm from the main road was to ride our horses. This meant crossing the Sibilo River on a raft which we made ourselves out of 4 large oil drums with a frame of wood attached to the top of them. This had to be pulled across the river by rope. This rope would be flung across the river with a large stone attached to the end so that it was anchored the other side. It was pulled over by people. I remember carrying one of my babies, probably Piers, across on the raft and I held him tightly and the raft tightly. It was all rather scary.